CFAO Mobility — Bôndy: A winning partnership for environmental protection

CFAO Mobility Madagascar is committed to a Green Island and to Carbon Neutral with Bôndy for the reforestation of Madagascar. A winning partnership in favor of the environment. This is what we can say about the contract just signed yesterday by CFAO Mobility Madagascar and Bôndy Madagascar, the social enterprise with a positive impact specializing in reforestation.

CFAO Mobility — Bôndy: A winning partnership for environmental protection

April 13 2024

CFAO Mobility and Bôndy commit to reforestation

CFAO Mobility Madagascar is committed to a Green Island and to Carbon Neutral with Bôndy for the reforestation of Madagascar

Winning partnership in favor of the environment. This is what we can say about the contract just signed yesterday by CFAO Mobility Madagascar and Bôndy Madagascar, the social enterprise with a positive impact specializing in reforestation.

It is, in fact, a partnership intended to carry out reforestation actions. Through this partnership, CFAO Mobility, with the support of Bôndy Madagascar, intends to plant 17,157 trees over a period of 3 years, i.e. 5,719 plants per year, in the Andramasina district, Andamasina district, Analamanga region.


For CFAO Mobility, leader in the automotive sector in Madagascar for 73 years, this partnership is a real commitment to the environmental cause. It is part of the company's global sustainable development strategy, which aims to minimize its environmental impact and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. “The objective of this project is to contribute to the reforestation of the Big Island, by planting trees in degraded areas and by raising the awareness of local populations about the importance of preserving the environment.” It was indicated yesterday during the signing of the contract. This partnership is, moreover, a commitment by the CFAO Mobility group to Neutral Carbon but also of its employees who will participate directly in the reforestation actions that will be organized each year. “By joining forces with Bôndy, CFAO Mobility reaffirms its commitment to take concrete action to protect the environment in Madagascar” was added.

In the long term

For its part, Bôndy Madagascar will implement its expertise in reforestation and environmental awareness. The company will select the planting sites, choose the most suitable tree species and monitor the plantations. A long-term partnership This partnership between CFAO Mobility in Madagascar and Bôndy is an important first step in the fight against deforestation in Madagascar. The two companies intend to continue their collaboration over the long term in order to contribute to the reforestation of the Big Island and the preservation of its unique environment. In short, it is a partnership between two renowned companies in their respective fields. On the one hand, CFAO Mobility, which is a leader in the automotive sector, offering a wide range of mobility solutions to businesses and individuals. And on the other hand, which realizes innovative and sustainable solutions to face ecological and economic challenges, positioning itself as the catalyst for regenerative and inclusive agriculture in Madagascar.

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