Understand the concept of carbon credit.

Carbon credit concerns any company, community, in all sectors of activity. It is proving to be one of the essential tools in the fight against climate change.


Carbon credit concerns any company, community, in all sectors of activity. It is proving to be one of the essential tools in the fight against climate change. But what is it really about, what is it for?

In short, a “carbon credit” is a unit equivalent to one (01) ton of CO2 avoided or sequestered. Through projects such as tree planting. But the project in question must still meet a list of criteria for these carbon credits to be effectively awarded.

Validity criteria?
  • Additionality (carbon emissions/lack of carbon sequestration would have occurred without this project)
  • Measurability (possibility of calculating the quantity of CO2 avoided or sequestered on the basis of a recognized methodology)
  • Verifiability (the actual sequestration sold must be verifiable and accounted for every year)
  • Verifiability (the actual sequestration sold must be verifiable and accounted for every year)
  • Verifiability (the actual sequestration sold must be verifiable and accounted for every year)
  • Permanence (carbon sequestration must take place over a minimum of 7 years)
  • Permanence (carbon sequestration must take place over a minimum of 7 years)
  • Permanence (carbon sequestration must take place over a minimum of 7 years)
A constantly growing market?

Carbon sequestration is generally natural but can be industrial. As a player in the field of reforestation, Bôndy obviously opts for natural sequestration. And this, through various projects currently spread over 4 regions of Madagascar. Indeed, in terms of volume, forest carbon credits are by far the most in demand when purchased.

But it's not just the forest! Carbon sequestration projects in the oceans and soils are also current (case of the mangrove project in the BOENY region). Although more modest in terms of the volume of sequestration, they have major advantages such as the possibility of planting all year round. Agroforestry, mangoves, or even permaculture; Bôndy's objective goes beyond greening the big island. But to control the environmental impact that each project will have (vegetation, ecosystem, carbon sequestration). This is thanks to the expertise of the entire team (carbon division, forest technicians, agricultural technicians, project managers, etc.).

Hand in hand with young people and locals, Bôndy's objective remains the same: Transform the red island into a green island!

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