Environment: Société Générale and Bôndy join forces for reforestation

Reforestation is a major challenge for Madagascar, knowing that the country has lost 44% of its natural forests since 1950, which is a threat to the island's endemic species, which are a real asset of the country.

Environment: Société Générale and Bôndy join forces for reforestation

Signature of a partnership in favor of the environment.

Reforestation is a major challenge for Madagascar, knowing that the country has lost 44% of its natural forests since 1950, which is a threat to the island's endemic species, which are a real asset of the country.

This is why local businesses are taking initiatives, as part of their corporate social responsibility, to protect the environment.

This is the case, in particular, of Société Générale Madagasikara, which has partnered with the social enterprise Bondy in order to actively contribute to the protection of the environment and to regreen the country.

Measurable afforestation

A partnership that is symbolic and strategic in that it propels Société Générale Madagasikara to the forefront of banking players, which combines its activities with its historical CSR commitment, in this case, reforestation, which is measurable for its customers and in favor of the circular economy in its product offering strategy. Wanting to strengthen its major impact in the sustainable development of the country, Société Générale Madagasikara thus combines environmental protection and assistance to poor populations. This is also the reason for this partnership with Bôndy, which will allow sustainable reforestation in Madagascar by planting a tree or a mangrove each time an international card is sold. Thanks to this initiative, customers and prospects subscribing to an international card will have the opportunity to actively contribute to making Madagascar a green island again. In addition, due to the technological revolution, as of May 1, each customer will have a geolocation of their tree thanks to “tree tracking” with a unique and nominative QR Code.

Positive impacts

This partnership also has the merit of going beyond the issue of reforestation since the projects developed have positive impacts on the daily lives of local populations, through the creation of jobs for planters, and maintenance agents and, in the long term, a certain impact on biodiversity, through the reintroduction of animal species in the middle of the plantations. Note that currently, the Bôndy company is working in the Boeny region by restoring the mangroves of Majunga, whose superior carbon absorption properties are recognized, and on 7 other agroforestry tree planting sites: Atsinanana, Analanjirofo, Diana, Melaky, Menabe and 2 on Analamanga. To involve communities in these solidarity projects, they are systematically consulted to find out which plants and species they want to work with.

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