In the 21st century, technology opens up incredible fields of possibility. Even in the field of reforestation. New partnership, new concept: Bôndy introduces you to Greenstand!

In the 21st century, technology opens up incredible fields of possibility. Even in the field of reforestation. New partnership, new concept: Bôndy introduces you to Greenstand!


Greenstand is a non-profit organization based in the United States putting technology at the service of the environment. It makes ecological action more accessible to all: to compensate or even counter global warming. One of Greenstand's missions is also to reduce poverty. Among other things, by connecting all the stakeholders in a reforestation project via tree-tracking. The model of the American organization is similar to that of Bôndy: combining environmental impact and social impact. Integrate local communities (rural people, small producers, peasants and farmers,...) as much as possible into each project. Thus promoting food self-sufficiency and/or the creation of a stable source of income for the main concerned.

The TREETRACKER: What is it? How does it work?

It is a mobile application, a “open source marketplace” which connects individuals and classified entities Green such as BÔNDY with potential customers (businesses or individuals). With the aim of compensating for negative ecological impacts by planting a tree in a few clicks. The platform developed by Greenstand connects customers/investors, producers and green companies from all over the world. Beyond planting, this application makes it possible to track each tree planted in real time by collecting a variety of information related to them. From GPS coordinates to the planter concerned, including tree maintenance. The process goes through 3 steps: Investing — Sponsoring — Following the trees.

All via a single platform... to the delight of the young generation. Bôndy, through Greenstand, is improving the tree tracking process. The partner farmers take care of the trees and Bôndy periodically takes geotagged photos of the trees as they grow. These tree photos will then appear on the verification platform. GREENSTAND.


The TREETRACKER has been designed and simplified to be adapted to any type of user. Including illiterates; among other things to facilitate the collection of data, photos and tree species. This ease of use is a major advantage for a tool such as this one. It is naturally becoming easier to link ecology and technology. What is commonly called “Smart Tree Planting”.More than thousands of trees planted, it is a question of leaving an ecological legacy for others.

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