Preventive and eco-responsible vehicle driving policy

“Every action counts. By adopting preventive and eco-responsible driving, we can all contribute to environmental protection and road safety.”


“Every action counts. By adopting preventive and eco-responsible driving, we can all contribute to environmental protection and road safety.” 

At Bôndy International, we are committed to road safety and environmental protection. In this spirit, we have developed a preventive and eco-responsible Vehicle Driving policy for all our employees who use motorized vehicles (car, motorcycle and boat) as part of our professional functions.

Eco-responsible vehicle driving aims to reduce the environmental footprint associated with the use of company vehicles. This may include adopting energy-efficient driving practices, such as reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, it can encourage regular vehicle maintenance to optimize their energy efficiency and minimize polluting emissions.

The code of conduct and ethics is publicly available by clicking on the following document: (Doc Driving Policy)

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