Mangrove project in the Boeny region: saving an entire ecosystem

Vegetative cover and the protection of local wildlife!

Mangrove project in the Boeny region: saving an entire ecosystem


Vegetative cover and the protection of local wildlife!

Known for its practicality and its multiple medicinal properties, the mangrove forest in the Boeny region is of crucial importance for the local populations of the region.

It provides:

  • foods
  • fuelwood
  • building materials

and acts as a natural treatment for those who need it

As for its ecological role?

From filtering water to storing carbon, mangroves contribute to coping with climate change and extreme natural phenomena. Contribution that lasts all year because mangroves are planted without too many seasonal requirements. However, the poorly controlled exploitation of mangroves deteriorates it considerably. Concretely, the overexploitation of this resource impacts the environment both in the short and in the long term. In Madagascar, mangroves protect marine areas against sedimentation from the western side of the island. They also ensure the protection of coastal wetlands against the harmful effects of climate change. It is thanks to these unique ecosystems that fish and invertebrates migrate to reefs and the high seas in order to take refuge there to feed and reproduce.

As a social enterprise specializing in reforestation, Bôndy contributes to the preservation of this entire ecosystem through its project in the Boeny region, Mahajanga. The fact is that it is essential to take into account the needs of local communities. All while maximizing environmental impacts. And this, in each of Bôndy's projects.

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