Mangrove restoration: BÔNDY places local communities at the heart of the deployment of its projects

As part of the continuation of its “MA HONKO” mangrove restoration project, the Bôndy company, a specialist in reforestation in Madagascar, is organizing a series of public consultations in the Diana, Sofia and Melaky regions.

Mangrove restoration: BÔNDY places local communities at the heart of the deployment of its projects

As part of the continuation of its “MA HONKO” mangrove restoration project, the Bôndy company, a specialist in reforestation in Madagascar, is organizing a series of public consultations in the Diana, Sofia and Melaky regions. The initiative - which aims, first of all, to identify the needs of local communities, and to make them aware of the challenges associated with the restoration of mangroves - should facilitate the deployment of the company's operations in its areas of intervention.

Regional Directorates for Environment and Sustainable Development (DREDD), fokontany leaders, civil society organizations (CSOs), village communities,... the public consultations launched at the end of May by Bôndy are part of a process of including all actors involved in the restoration of mangroves in the Diana, Sofia and Melaky regions, and aim - by obtaining consensus between the various stakeholders - to facilitate the course of the company's operations.

Placed at the heart of the approach, local populations will be able, on this occasion, to express their needs and grievances, which will then be rigorously taken into account in the pursuit of the “MA HONKO” project. The initiative also aims to raise awareness among communities about the environmental, socio-economic and land issues surrounding the restoration of mangroves. Monitoring and evaluation tools will be put in place to ensure the progress and quality of the consultation process.

1,254 HA of mangroves already restored

Launched in 2023, the “MA HONKO” project in Bôndy has already enabled the restoration of 1,254 ha of mangroves - the equivalent of 1,756 football fields. Essential to the survival of coastal ecosystems, mangroves, in addition to storing significant quantities of carbon, constitute ramparts against coastal erosion, and serve as nurseries for numerous marine species.


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