Ma Honkô

Restore 40,000 hectares of mangroves in 3 regions of Madagascar and develop income-generating activities for local communities, based on the sustainable exploitation of natural resources.
In Madagascar, human activities such as logging and charcoal production lead to the deforestation of over 6,500 hectares per year. This carbon-based mangrove restoration project promotes sustainable community development.
of Africa's mangroves are concentrated in Madagascar
of the world's mangroves are found in Madagascar.

Mangrove nursery

Why choosing Madagascar?

Madagascar's mangroves play an essential role in protecting coastlines against erosion, regulating the climate and sequestering carbon.
In particular in Madagascar, mangrove conservation is part of a sustainable development approach that benefits local communities. It makes it possible to preserve their means of subsistence linked to fishing, agriculture and crafts, and tourism, while improving their quality of life.

Our actions in the field

We are restoring mangrove forests in 3 regions of Madagascar (Melaky, Sofia & Diana) by planting six native species with local communities. To ensure the long-term survival of forests, activities will provide access to basic services and support socio-economic activities such as fishing, crafts, and ecotourism.
The project therefore integrates environmental conservation, community development, and sustainable livelihoods for a global impact.

hectares of degraded mangrove area to be restored in this project
regions of Madagascar concerned by the project

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